Firefox Preview Nightly for Android Adds A New Tab Switcher

Firefox has been working to deliver a revamped browser experience on Android for a really long time now. The Firefox Preview project was launched about a year ago and Mozilla still hasn’t finalized what all features it intends to roll out via the stable build. Firefox Preview Nightly, the first stage of experimentation, on Android has seen the addition of a new tab switcher with a bottom sheet today.

The latest Preview Nightly update changes how you access open tabs. Previously, the browser saw you tap the ‘tabs’ button next to the address bar at the bottom to access new tab pages. It was complete with top sites, collections, and recently opened tabs – looking similar to the image on the left.

The new update, build #200608 06:00, introduces a bottom sheet that now pops up every time you tap the ‘tabs’ button. You will see all your open tabs in this space – both regular and private ones. Both of them are a swipe away. You can add a new tab by tapping the ‘+’ icon at the bottom right. You can close existing tabs by tapping the ‘X’ icon or swiping on a tab in either direction. This was first spotted by the folks over at Android Police.

firefox preview nightly tab switcher

Tapping the ‘three-dot’ icon at the top right of the sheet lets you save all open tabs in a single collection. It will come in handy if you are researching for a project. Mozilla had kicked off the Firefox Preview project under the ‘Fenix’ branding with some lofty ideas in tow. This includes sessions, which would save all open tabs (as one session) when you exit the browser. The new tab switcher is a more common solution for handling open tabs – easily understandable by all.

If you are someone who uses Firefox on Android, go ahead and give it a try right here. The Preview version is expected to roll out to all users very soon.

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