PSMForums App Launch

With all the love and support you guys gave us we would love to launch our very own application. It has all the awesome features you will ever need. From having in-build RSS feed reader so that you don’t have to miss out on any of our articles. We also partners with Global Fashion Street to bring you all the news trends you’ll ever need.


All the features are too much to list so I’ll list the best ones for you.

1. Splash Screen

With the introduction we also needed to clean up the starting experience, so that you don’t have to wait for the app to even take a breath and start the sync to our servers.

2. Grid-Style Homepage

Easy to find what you need is just the thing we wanted you when we settled on this design language. It helps keep the clutter-free experience we wanted for you as it enhances the focus points of our app.

Well, there should always be another style to please the eyes.

3. Hamburger-Style Menu

Not to keep everything on the homepage we decided to go with a Hamburger-Style menu.

4. Themes

Continuing with the theme (Puns Intended) we have all the combinations of colours you would need but if you still wish for your custom made theme you can reach us here and design your own theme.

You can also change all the styles yourself to view it in the most convenient ways you can imagine.

5. The RSS Blog Reader

The blogs brought right to you though our custom designed RSS Reader to easy the way you read our blogs.

How Do You Get It?

It’s as simple as clicking on the Download Now button at the end of this article or by going to our website and click on Download Our App.

Supported OS?

At this time we have this app only available for Android, we are trying our best to extend the support to our readers on the iOS side of the world.


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