Jeff Bezos corrects angry ‘all lives matter’ customer email

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos issued a public pledge of support to the Black Lives Matter movement on Friday. The chief executive did so in reply to a customer email criticizing his company’s response to the death of George Floyd and ongoing protests around the country against racism and systemic police brutality. Bezos posted his reply … Continue reading Jeff Bezos corrects angry ‘all lives matter’ customer email

Facebook tells group admins to consider adding people of color as moderators

Facebook published new recommendations for group admins yesterday evening in an attempt to help them facilitate conversations about race and inequality. Groups, which are essential to Facebook’s business strategy, have struggled to moderate discussions about the Black Lives Matter movement and injustice in the US, with many admins and moderators deleting posts they consider “political.” … Continue reading Facebook tells group admins to consider adding people of color as moderators